Getting Started in Collision Repair

Getting Started in Collision Repair

Thinking about becoming an auto body repair person? Below are some tips to get started in an auto body career.

General qualifications:

  • Take English, Math, and Computer Science in high school.
  • Enroll in mechanics or fabrication classes in a high school, community college, or other vocational schools.
  • Most employers prefer to hire high school graduates.

Professional training:


  • Auto body technicians work at auto repair shops, auto dealerships, trucking companies, or custom shops.
  • To work in Alberta as an auto body technician, you must be a registered apprentice, a certified journeyperson, or hold a recognized trade certificate.
  • Journeyperson wages vary depending on pay system–flat rate or hourly. Hourly wages generally range from $19 to $35 an hour.

What is an apprentice?

  • An apprentice is someone learning a trade while he or she is employed and earning money.
  • Apprenticeship is a combination of on-the-job training, work experience, and technical training in a trade.
  • An apprenticeship program lasts from 1 to 4 years, depending on the trade.
  • When an apprentice successfully completes his or her apprenticeship program, they graduate to become a certified journeyperson.

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